All donations accepted, cameras, lenses, boats,  money with paypal or bank transfert...

We need you, too many young dolphins died in the fisching nets

your participation in our trips is also a valuable help for us






The NGO is created in 1993 in France by Eric Demay and some friends, scuba divers, sailors, marine's biologists and teachers.


From 1992 to 1996 a solitary female dolphin stayed in the harbours and closed to the beached in Catalannes zone in France. A major program of protection has been created and a team cared of her slepping evey nights during the summers.

Interactions with childrens

In the beginning of TURSIOPS, we helped childrens to meet the wilds dolphins. Dolphy was the first cetacean to participate of these programs. Now, we organize conferences for the sicks childrens in the hospitals in France.

Film production

In 1997, TURSIOPS like a producer won the first price in a international contest with the documentary "Homme et Dauphin mode d 'emploi". We participate regularly with the tv's for a best approching of the dolphins.

Research in France

TURSIOPS is the owner of the sailing boat the DELPHIS. A 36 " boat able to sail in the Mediterranean Sea. We begin a programm to collect datas in France near the Spain.

Share our knowledge

From the beginning, we participe with all the medias, radios, tv's, web and newpapers. We provide our knowledge when it's ncessary. Of course our testimony explain all the fragile nature around us.

Works in the Red Sea

Since 1992, TURSIOPS organise trips in the Red Sea for to protect the dolphins around the Egypt's coast. We share our datas with the locals scientists. Now the gouvnerment create some rules and a massive program about the code of conduct.



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